Volunteer-Powered APCS Help

Here, we provide free video resources to help solve programming exercises for those aiming to excel in the APCS exam.

APCS, short for Advanced Placement Computer Science, refers to the “Advanced College Programming Exam.” The exam format is modeled after the Advanced Placement (AP) program in the United States, developed in collaboration with universities to create exam questions. These questions undergo rigorous validity and reliability testing to ensure the credibility of the exam results.

APCS Basic Level

e924. pC. 括號配對
e548. I Can Guess the Data Structure!
a020. 身分證檢驗
e357. 遞迴函數練習
b965. 2. 矩陣轉換
c317. 硬幣問題!前傳
g275. 1. 七言對聯
f313. 2. 人口遷移
f312. 1. 人力分配
h081. 1. 程式交易
i400. 2. 字串解碼

APCS Advanced Level

a010. 因數分解
d487. Order’s computation process
e357. 遞迴函數練習
a471 givesum~連續整數的固定和
e283. APCS 類似題 – 小崴的特殊編碼
a233. 排序法~~~ 挑戰極限
d150. 11369 – Shopaholic
b519. 撲克牌遊戲-商競103
a915. 二维点排序
f149. 3. 炸彈偵測器
e605. 10189 – Minesweeper

d481. 矩陣乘法
d673. 11608 – No Problem
d732. 二分搜尋法
c199. 爬山去(Hiking)-TOI練習賽y7m5-1
e591. 11264 – Coin Collector
d904. 換零錢
d221. 10954 – Add All
d212. 東東爬階梯
d904  換零錢_v2
【ZeroJudge/APCS/Python解題攻略】a290. 新手訓練系列 ~ 圖論|BFS (Breadth First Search)
【ZeroJudge/APCS/Python解題攻略】d406. 倒水時間|BFS (Breadth First Search)
【ZeroJudge/APCS/Python解題攻略】d768. 10004 – Bicoloring|BFS (Breadth First Search)
【ZeroJudge/APCS/Python解題攻略】d768 10004 Bicoloring|(DFS Depth First Search)
【ZeroJudge/APCS/Python解題攻略】c463. apcs 樹狀圖分析 (Tree Analyses)|BFS (Breadth First Search)
【ZeroJudge/APCS/Python解題攻略】f605. 1. 購買力|價格波動篩選與均值計算
【ZeroJudge/APCS/Python解題攻略】f606. 2. 流量 | 流量累積與費用計算
【ZeroJudge/APCS/Python解題攻略】f607. 3. 切割費用 | 動態切割與累積成本計算